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Vulnerability without oversharing

How to open up to vulnerability without oversharing

Have you ever felt uncomfortable while your colleague shared something deeply personal? Have you ever felt as if somebody pushed you to share personal information without an apparent reason?

You may have encountered oversharing.

Vulnerability is a vital strength for leaders and anyone who wants to build strong connections, trust, and, with that, a sense of psychological safety. Psychological safety catalyzes engagement, performance, and many other desirable outcomes. So sharing with others and showing up as a vulnerable human being is key.

However, I’ve witnessed many people mistake vulnerability for oversharing. Oversharing can have a counter effect on people feeling uncomfortable, losing trust and alienating relationships.

So how do you make sure to hit the right balance?

Continue reading → How to open up to vulnerability without oversharing

Energize Yourself in 2023 by Giving Forward

It’s been a typical year-end in the corporate world. 

Q4 was incredibly tense. The financials had to be closed, and projects concluded. Clients tended to come out of the woodwork with last-minute requests.

We dealt with their queries, grabbed gifts for friends and loved ones, and then, exhaustedly, sank into the cushions to stare at the tree, menorah, or unity cup, wondering where the time (and our energy) went.

And that’s just the stuff of our individual lives. We’re also contending with the state of the world—war, inflation, layoffs, and coronavirus.

We’re stressed. More stressed than we’ve ever been.

Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report says stress is at an all-time high, with 44% of employees reporting that they experienced stress “a lot” the day before they were polled.

Things aren’t easy. We must make a conscious effort not to spin into negativity. We must work hard to stay balanced and optimistic because negative thoughts become self-fulfilling prophecies. They harm our physical states, too.

The idea: Don’t give back—give FORWARD


Continue reading → Energize Yourself in 2023 by Giving Forward

Photo By Dmitry Ratushny on

5 steps to stop being overwhelmed

The last quarter is in full swing, and it’s as fast as ever.

Do you feel the need to speed up and match the increased demands?  Do you hope to cross all your to-dos and close off projects before the holiday break comes to your rescue? Do you frequently check in on your team members’ progress and speak mainly about operations to stay on top of everything that’s going on?

If so, don’t. It’s a trap!

Continue reading → 5 steps to stop being overwhelmed

To Speak Up or Not to Speak Up: that is the question.

Have you ever experienced a professional conversation that didn’t feel right? Did you receive a direction that made you squirm in your chair?  Have you ever witnessed a situation where a colleague’s or leader’s behavior made you uncomfortable?

If so, you may have considered your options and the risks that speaking up may represent.

Throughout my time in the world’s largest logistics company, I stood many times in front of the decision: To speak up or not to speak up.

I believe that if you become aware of something risky or limiting to an organization, team, or individual, you have the responsibility to engage. Otherwise, you are becoming a part of the problem.

Continue reading → To Speak Up or Not to Speak Up: that is the question.

The end of one conversation is a beginning of another.

The Fear Project Summary


I started The Fear Project in 2019 as a pro-bono exploration of a topic that I observed had a significant impact on the corporate world. My intention was to de-stigmatize the topic of fear – a seemingly unpleasant emotion often perceived as a sign of weakness, especially in business environments.


By approaching ten highly respected international leaders with diverse backgrounds and in different industries, we triggered a conversation that may benefit any environment – business or not.

Continue reading → The end of one conversation is a beginning of another.

Crack the box you’re in. An exercise for ending your intellectual suffocation and inviting change into your life

Are you intellectually suffocating?

Do you feel as if the box you’re in is way too tiny?

There’s no air?

Maybe you’ve been active within a particular industry and feel it’s time for a change, but it seems impossible to find the right opportunity.

Perhaps you relocated, and find that the experience you gained in your last local market doesn’t count here.

Or maybe you’ve had a particular image as a leader, and even though you’ve successfully transitioned through different experiences, you don’t seem to be able to shake off that old reputation.


You’re stuck.

Continue reading → Crack the box you’re in. An exercise for ending your intellectual suffocation and inviting change into your life

How to face Ego and Fear and Walk Your Authentic Leadership Path

Recently, while emailing with the representative of a large corporation, something felt off. She was okay on video, but the only time she responded to emails was when I copied her bosses.

My alarm system went on. I’ve been there before, in situations with individuals in unhealthy cultures and unproductive environments.

How about you?

Maybe you, too, have had to deal with a peer who acted as if they were under continual scrutiny—or maybe you’ve been the one feeling scrutinized! Perhaps you’ve felt inferior in a relationship with a customer, or when leading a team for which cooperation always seemed to freeze.

Each of these situations is somewhat intangible and hard to address. When they arise, do you ever find yourself ignoring the issue, focusing instead on work activities that give you tangible results?

Continue reading → How to face Ego and Fear and Walk Your Authentic Leadership Path

Rubber Duckie

How to step into the desires that pull you. Lessons from my clients and a rubber duckie.

Do you feel a pull towards something particular in your life? No matter what you do, that thing, that desire, keeps reappearing.

Maybe it’s the hobby that is way too expensive, or your partner doesn’t enjoy it, so you already talked yourself out of it a few times. Perhaps it is a particular place on earth you desire to visit. Or maybe it is one of your talents that you keep burying under pillows of self-dissuasion as it is not needed or even causes trouble in your current role.

No matter what it is, it keeps stubbornly reappearing as the little rubber ducky my 3-year-old daughter pushes under the water in the tub.

She pushes it down, lets go, and it bobs back up again. Over and over.

Continue reading → How to step into the desires that pull you. Lessons from my clients and a rubber duckie.

Are you ready? How to prepare for and lead in a hybrid office

Are you going to the office tomorrow?

As vaccination rates increase in some parts of the world, businesses are re-opening.

Maybe you’re lucky to live in a country where the number of infected people is dropping, and you’re getting your laptop bag out of the closet, and ditching your leggings or sweatpants in exchange for what will feel like getting your normal life and self back.

Just like you, I’m much looking forward to re-entering the world of in-person meetings.

But I also feel a bit unprepared.

If you’re like me, once the excitement over occasionally escaping the home office settles, you’ll be starting to think about the nuances and changes in your current work scheme, and how you should best approach them.

Here are some questions on my mind that you too may be wondering about:

Is it ok to ask whether your colleague/business partner/client is vaccinated?

Will you wear a mask? In which circumstances and when is it okay not to?

Are you ready to speak up and ask others to wear a mask if they’re not complying?

Can you excuse yourself from a meeting if you know that some of the attendees aren’t vaccinated?

How will we keep safety at the forefront when we’re tired of this topic and desperately wish to feel and behave “normal”?


If I could come up with those questions in less than 30 seconds, so will your team members, business partners, and colleagues.

Continue reading → Are you ready? How to prepare for and lead in a hybrid office